
Reasons why people reject Jesus;
I have heard all kinds of reasons why people will not go to church, and will not accept our Lord Jesus as Savior. Here are some of the reasons that I know about.
"hypocrites in the church, I am to tired, Only the rich goes to church, I have nothing to wear, Wrong doing done to me by a person from a church, I am not good enough, and so fourth.
Jesus Loves you! Come as you are! You are never to bad to be accepted by Jesus! He will "Forgive You"! What excuse have you used, in order to reject Jesus?
You can be a part of GODS Family and you will have many brothers, sisters, mothers and Dads/ You may be wondering, How do I know for sure, that accepting Jesus as Savior is the true way to go. Specially when there are so many different religions and beliefs out there. Well if you are looking for worldly evidence that Jesus is True and real, have you not heard that Noah's Ark has been found and is sitting on mount Arat?
Why I Accepted Jesus.
Hi. my name is Darryl. I am the owner, operator and web master of SunnyDays Town & Country. I have accepted Jesus as Savior in October 1986. I was not born into a Christian Family, I am not a Pastors child or any thing of the sort. My parents did not encourage me to accept Jesus either.
I am Born again! Being Born again through our Lord Jesus is like starting over. I am happy and content with my relationship with our Lord Jesus. Before I accepted Jesus as Savior, I use to party allot. I did drugs and alcohol, and I was pretty wild and cold hearted. I had also been in jail also a few times. I had friends, and opportunities for all kinds of things.
I had allot of opportunities with beautiful women. All of those things made me feel really empty and lonely, like I was really missing something. I didn't know what that something was. I had two divorces, both women messed around on me. One day in October 1986 some of my new friends invited me to go to church with them. Well I did, and that is when I broke down and accepted Jesus as Savior! I have never been so happy in my entire life! Jesus was that missing something in my life. You to can make your life complete if you accept Jesus as Savior. You can E-mail me with questions if you like at [email protected].
What is it about?
Jesus Christ our Savior is the way, the truth and the light and no man may come to the Father (GOD) except through Jesus Christ. When you accept Jesus Christ as Savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit as a Comforter. You will feel extremely happy and content, you will Desiree to go to church and study the word of GOD.
You will experience things beyond imagination, Jesus will be with you all of the time guiding and directing you. He will teach you and the Bible will open up to you as never before. You will experience the Love, grace and mercy of GOD through his son Jesus Christ! You will for once in your life, (HAVE ABUNDANT LIFE)! You will no longer be in death!
The time is short, The Last Days are here, Prophecies are being fulfilled. Where will you go when you die? Heaven or Hell? There is not any other choice! There is not any other choice! There is no other way! Time is running out! Will you live forever? Are you immortal? What is your answer? Do you want to have life or death? Only JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD IS LIFE!
How do I keep it?
Once you accept Jesus as Savior, and if you are sincere, you will live. Jesus tells us that you must confess him with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and you must practice the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, (The Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It is best to use the NIV Version Bible, check at you local Christian Book Store about that. Jesus said you must also do the will of GOD! The two greatest commandments is to Love GOD with all of your heart, soul and mind!
You must also love your neighbor as your self. These are the ways that must do in order to keep your salvation, (Once you are Saved). When you accept Jesus as Savior make sure that you are sincere and pick up your cross and follow him.
Salvation Prayer!
This is the Prayer for Accepting Jesus as Savior
You can modify this as you need it! Crying is OK, for man or woman.
I cried when I accepted Jesus as Savior also.
1). Dear Jesus, please forgive me of my sins and transgressions,
2). I know that I am a sinner, a wretched soul that is nothing,
3). I know that you are Lord, Messiah and the Christ,
4). Please come in to my heart and live with in me forever,
5). I love you Jesus and I accept you as Lord of my life,
6). I Praise and Glorify you Father GOD through your Son Jesus Christ!
You can continue Praying to our Lord Jesus if you like, Jesus would Love it if you did, always spend time with Jesus, and Study Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Stay in the word so satan can not ever get a strong hold over you. Find a good Loving and encouraging Bible Believing church, that teaches the truth, and the trinity, GOD, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
